Monday, September 19, 2011

Agenda Aid

Deposition of Reika Eberhardt
Taken this 98th of Hunter’s Moon
In the year of Avacyn 719
By Cathar Adept Raben Amsel

It was near the 40th of Harvest moon back in 716.  I had been sent to Thraben Cathedral after completing my training at Elgaud at the beginning of the year.  I had grown tired of the sterile routine of the place, and I began wandering the grounds at night.

It was on such a night that I noticed a man walking behind one of the ruined statues in the ash garden and not emerge as expected moments later.  I went to the statue and could not find anything suspicious.  I then noticed that the stones at the statue’s base had been moved recently, and it was underneath them that I found the passageway.

The small tunnel went down for a ways, then leveled off and went in a direction that I believed to be straight towards the cathedral.  I crept along cautiously, since the whole place felt cold and unnatural.  When I came to the tunnel’s end, I saw a huge chamber that looked like a natural cave.  I could hear water but I did not see any.

In the center of the chamber, I saw nine men wearing robes.  They were surrounding an altar and chanting in a language I did not understand.  One of them raised a dagger, and brought it down quickly.  I then heard a scream.  I became very frightened and ran out of the cave.

Two nights later I returned.  The men were gone, but I saw the fruits of their labor: several weapons, carved out of a type of silver I have never seen. 

I swear an oath that these are my words, and that they bear the truth.

Reika Eberhardt