Monday, September 26, 2011

He row slow fleet.

102nd of Hunter’s Moon, 719

I have found refuge in a small village in Kessig.  I don’t know its name.  I sold the sword Jofridus had made for me, and I have found room and board above a stable.  

It was here that I finally opened Reika’s pack and inspected its contents.  I told myself that I was looking for money, or any item that could aid in my survival, but the truth is that I simply missed her.  Her cloak still smelled of her, like flowers after a rain.  Reika, I failed you so long ago, and only now do I feel the pain of your absence.

Her journal revealed to me a name: Elder Rimheit.  Reika cleary saw her as a mother figure, even though like I she never knew her true roots.  I hope this Rimheit proves to be a true mentor, and not the puppet father I once knew.

Word of my status has not yet reached Kessig, so I must act quickly.  This elder may hear my words differently if she knows I am branded heretic.  But hear my words she must, for Reika’s death cannot go untold.  This woman, whomever she may be, was the closest thing Reika had to a family.  As such, she deserves to mourn Reika as much as I do.  No, I have not earned the right to mourn her yet.

In the morning I shall leave this place and seek out Elder Rimheit.


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